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Casino College™

Casino Pathways has put together a "road show" of training classes, covering various topics during a multi-day symposium where attendees are invited from all around your local region.  We provide a one-stop training experience by providing education in important areas that affect all departments, bringing you up to speed on accounting efficiencies, human resource rights and responsibilities, marketing solutions, security operations, and bottom-line "best practices" that can help you steer your gaming enterprise toward a more successful future.  Learn how to:

Casino College™ Calendar

- At this time, there are no scheduled Casino College™ events.  Please check back often, as this is bound to change! (1/04)



Increase profits

Improve operating

Develop and retain

Design management and
marketing plans

Enhance customer

Understand controls,
policies, and procedures


Click the topics below to learn more about the training offered through Casino College™:


Marketing Specifics and Solutions

Human Resource Responsibilities
    & Tribal Sovereignty

Excellence in Customer Service

Cage and Vault Administration

Casino Accounting and Auditing

Security & Risk Management

Surveillance & Risk Management

First-Time Supervisory Skills

MIS in the Casino Environment

Successful Steps for Increased
    Profitability: Bottom-Line Concepts

Please check back often and see when we'll be in your neck of the woods!  If you would be interested in hosting us at your casino, please give us a call at 1-866-894-2635 or send us an email at info@casinopathways.com.


If Casino College won't be near you soon, then please be sure check out our on-site training opportunities!




Information Request Form

Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

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Copyright © 2003 Casino Pathways, LLC
Last modified: November, 2004